• Finding Purpose Under Pressure (SEL/Mental Health Workshop)

    Peer Pressure, Social Anxiety, & Identity Crisis are just a few of the many things plaguing our younger generation. This message is designed to address these influences and provide clarity and guidance on finding your purpose. Pushing the next generation to rise above what they see around them and on their phones, and to instead to focus on what is within them in through their talents & abilities!

  • The Sum of Our Mistakes (At Risk Youth)

    Many young minds struggle with making the right decision and staying out of trouble. This message is designed to provide accountability, reassurance, & inspiration to groups who are struggling to stay on the right track. They will learn they are not the sum of their mistakes, but the sum of every decision they make going forward. It is never too late to change your life!

  • Running Through The Line (Student Empowerment)

    Based off the old track & field idiom, this message inspries young minds to push through until their goal is completed. Whether that be the end of a semester, school year, or season. They must trust their preparation, run their own race, & finish strong. How you end has far more impact on your life than how you start. So run THROUGH that finish line!

  • Transitioning Into Triumph (Commencement Address)

    The end of one journey signals the beginning of another. This message is crafted to take young minds on a journey that showcases to them that the future is not to be feared but embraced. They will know that whatever life throws at them, they are more than prepared and proven to defeat and triumph over all challenges!

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